Do you have any old computers or electronics catching
dust and taking up space?...Recycle it
Recycling your old unwanted electronics also known as 'waste electrical and electronic equipment' (WEEE) with an experienced WEEE Recycler is not only the safest way to dispose of your old electronics but it is also the most environmentally friendly option. Recycling uses less energy and creates less waste than making new products. Precious materials in your old electronics can be recycled into life-saving equipment, bicycles – and even new electronics.
We could save a whopping 1.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions if we recycled all our small unwanted electronics instead of binning or holding on to them. That’s like taking more than a million cars off the road. Help us to protect our Big Blue Planet! Check out the FAQs below for more info on our Free Friday Collection service
What does WEEE Mean?WEEE stands for ‘Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment’, which is practically any household or non-household end-of-life equipment that has a battery or plug. As technology develops and advances our electronic devices become outdated very quickly and are superseded by newer versions and the old ones were discarded and ended up in a landfill. However, this kind of waste in landfill sites not only takes up lots of space but also release harmful toxins into our water and air, causing massively negative effects on the environment. So in 2002, these environmental issues caused by electrical and electronic waste was addressed, and the WEEE Directive was introduced.
What types of Electronics (WEEE) do you collect?We collect all Category 3 WEEE - IT and Telecommunications equipment: Computers Printers Laptops Printers Computer Monitor Screens Copying equipment Electrical and electronic typewriters Games Consoles Phones (including Pay telephones, Cordless telephones & Mobiles) Answering systems Computer Accessories (mice, keyboards, USB Dongles, webcams...etc Laptop Accessories (docking stations, mice, USB dongles, webcams..etc) Any and all Cable Pocket and desk calculators and other products and equipment for the collection, storage, processing, presentation or communication of information by electronic means
How do ensure my data on my old device/s doesnt get into the wrong hands?This is an easy one! We are data removal specialists, we have been providing data removal and data destruction services to business big and small for over 18 years. While everyone is trying to find new ways to capture your data we are trying tonfind new ways to remove and destroy data. We used industry approved methods and Government approved tools to ensure your data is irretrievable before recycling. Click here to learn more
Do you Charge to collect certain Items?In Category 3 WEEE we do charge for the disposal of CRT screens, these are the old style box screens (see pic below) Due to the hazardous element; Mercury inside of the screen; the disposal process is costly and time consuming so we do charge £19.99 per CRT Screen
How do I book a Collection?All you need to do is fill out the form below and one of our friendly experts will be in touch to confirm your Friday Collection and a arrange convenient collection time. Alternatively, you can give us a call on 0118 9500022 or email us at: enquiries@advance-services.co.uk
What is a Duty of care Waste Transfer Note?A Duty of Care certificate or Waste Transfer Note is a legal document that is a requirement of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. It serves as proof that the owner of the WEEE (you) has disposed of their waste legally and responsibly. Once both parties (you and us) have signed the Waste Transfer Note this then transfers the responsibility of that waste to Advance Services, whereby we are obligated to recycle and/or ethically dispose of the equipment with minimum harm to the environment. Click here to learn more
Can I drop-off WEEE?Yes you can drop off equipment at our secure facility, Monday - Thursday 9 am - 5:00 pm and Friday 9 am - 4:30 pm. Just get in contact to arrange your drop off.

Environmentaly Friendly Electronic Recycling
Dispose of your electronics and IT hardware ethically to help protect our environment
At Advance Services we operate a ZERO landfill policy, meaning all our services are carried out in an environmentally friendly manner with our promise that no electronic waste ends up in landfills or is transferred to non-OECD countries.
When equipment cannot be refurbished for the second user market, we break them down and separate them into different material classes such as metals and plastics, and they are transferred to our accredited partners for refinement. Our closed-loop recycling model supports sustainability.
We are fully compliant with Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations and registered with Information Commissioners Office (ICO).
The UK alone is responsible for around 1.5 million tonnes of electronic waste, and only 17% of this is recycled. Together we can do better
How do we remove Data
from Your Devices?
Data Erasure
At Advances Services we only use the best in industry tools to ensure complete data removal. The secure data erasure software platform we use is the fastest and most effective hard-drive erasure tool available on the market, returning any data bearing device to a blank slate.

Media Shredding
In the event that non-destructive sanitisation method fails, media will be physically destroyed. We use our state of the art media shredder to shred down 20mm pieces, destroying data-bearing devices completely.
Prefer to Drop-off?
No Problem
Just give us a call and we can arrange a suitable time for you to drop off your recycling and we'll provide you with a waste transfer note.
Advance Services,
Key House, Cow Lane,
Reading, Bekrshire
United Kingdom
T: 0118 9500022 (Option 1)
E enquiries@advance-services.co.uk
Opening Hours:
Mon 9:00am - 5:30pm
Tue 9:00am - 5:30pm
Wed 9:00am - 5:30pm
Thur 9:00am - 5:30pm
Fri 9:00am - 4:30pm
Your'e in Safe Hands
IT Recycling Experts
We ensure that any recycling we collect is processed in a manner that creates minimal environmental impact. Receive a duty of care waste transfer note on collection or delivery of equipment for recycling
Data Security Specialists​
Our experienced staff are all DBS vetted and will ensure secure data removal is carried out according to the industry standard using government-approved tools to ensure 100% of your data is removed prior to refurbishment or recycling
Accredited Service​
Our recycling service is WEEE compliant. We are a registered member of the Information Commissioner's Office and an approved waste carrier by the Environmental Agency so you can rest assured you're in safe hands